Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Food Party!!

A while back, I ran into these amazing pictures of soft floating landscapes by artist by the name of Thu Tran.
(Click on the pictures to see them bigger)

Her work is really detailed and complicated. I can only imagine how long it took her to make these. Upon doing more reaserch i found out about this!

She has a Television show called "Food Party". And it reminds me of when I was a kid and tried to recreate episodes of "Fraggle Rock" using sock puppets. (They never turned out well) I still haven't gone through all the episodes but from what I've seen, I'm super impressed. check out more youtube- "Food Party!!

P.S Looking at the picture below, Yeah, the giant snowman puppet is cool but I fell in love with the little stuffed rat(?) head on the wall... I have to make something like that for my room.

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